Drone survey data processing

How It Works

To make your digital photogrammetry (the process of deriving measurements from the photos your drone collects) as effective as possible, you set ground control points throughout your project. These provide a framework over which your drone-collected data can lay. 

With your ground control points in place, you (or one of our pilots) survey your project. Every centimeter you fly collects a data point. This means you get a wealth of information, but it doesn’t mean that information is immediately usable. That’s where Terrial comes in. 

Our team gathers your information from you — we learn about your processes, collect your ground control point data, and have you upload your drone data to us — then we do the rest. We deliver your post-processed results, easy-to-understand and ready-for-use. You get highly accurate survey results without any of the headache of processing your drone-gathered data yourself. 


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